2010年11月11日 星期四

第二天行程導覽Second day tour

November 24
8 am wake up! Breakfast at the hotel
9點吃飽之後就搭乘巴士前往Santo Domingo哥倫布的城堡,並不大,門口的石牌是刻著Palaceo Virreinal de la Diego Colon

Eat after 9 pm take bus to Santo Domingo, Columbus Castle, is not large, is engraved door Pai "Palaceo Virreinal de la Diego Colon

After watching about 14:00 or so after

Columbus Park的側門進入,參觀美洲第一個教堂Catedral de Santa Maria,及陣亡將士英雄館等。這幾個地方都是走路能走到的。
Columbus Park's side door to enter, visit the first American church Catedral de Santa Maria, and the Memorial Hall and other heroes. These places are able to walk the walk

Larimar是世界上只在D.R.的一處火山周圍一平方公里地區可以採到的極稀有玉石。它是1974年才由一位地質學家Miguel Mendez發現,是火山爆發時形成的一種礦石(pectolite),但似海洋的藍色,和白色混雜,異常美麗,被Mendez用他的女兒名字LARissa,加西班牙文的「海」MAR,合併命名為Larimar

Larimar is the world's only in the DR, a one square kilometer area around the volcano can be taken to the extremely rare jade. It was only in 1974, Miguel Mendez discovered by a geologist, is formed when a volcanic eruption ore (pectolite), but like the ocean blue, and white mixed, extremely beautiful, with his daughter by the name of Mendez LARissa, Canada Spanish for "sea" MAR, combined name Larimar



Slowly after the dark days followed the guide and took a bus back to resortThe end of a busy day's schedule todayTravel will continue tomorrow!

